What is Service Producer?

Service Producer is a service planning and production tool developed to allow your church to plan and execute better services, faster.

Service Producer helps you to plan your service, communicate relevant infomation to volunteers and staff members, and provide support for your services during the actual production among many other things.


Here is a look into how workflow is organized using Service Producer.

Step 1: You and your team (using any web browser from any location) connect to Service Producer and insert all the elements for your service, and decide the best order for them to happen in, and attach any files you want to make available for your staff members or volunteers.

Step 2: You select the names and positions of the volunteers and staff members who will be serving with you for this particular service. For example, John is playing guitar, Sally is singing, and so on.

Step 3: You press the notify button and everyone on the team is emailed a service order, and a list of any files associated with the service, as well as a link to view a read only version of the service in service producer.

Step 4: You do church! Your service information will be downloaded into any additional software you are using with Service Producer, and you are ready to go.


There are a series of widgets, or secondary programs that are free to download for anyone using Service Producer. This ever expanding list ranges from full blown worship media software to handle your worship slides and video needs, to export tools to create PowerPoint slideshows, excel documents, and even simply tools to allow you to display Service Producer in a larger view for design meetings. This list is constantly being added to as we think up new and innovative ways to make Service Producer the best it can be.

Share and Share Alike:

Service Producer allows you to select elements from your service to be publicly viewable by the Service Producer community. What this means is that if you put together a video, song arrangement, dance, drama, or whatever really, and you think others could benefit from it, just share it! It'll be added to a viewable database of great ideas that everyone can use to create better, more engaging services.